Social Media with Twinning Pros

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Tabatha Rowbatham

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The creative duo behind Twinning Pros. We're here to empower small biz owners with the digital know-how to thrive and make a big impact online through website design, SEO, PR, and Social Media.

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Hi, we're tiffany +tabatha

It has never been easier to reach your target market. Find out how Social Media Management can help improve your reach and grow your business beyond what you ever thought was imaginable! 

Did you know that 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend that brand to their friends and family?

If you don’t have a strong social media presence, now is the time to take control.

Do you want to help your business grow brand awareness, relationships, and website traffic?

If so, then Twinning Pros Social Media Management is for you. We keep you included in the strategy and planning 100% of the time. Generating leads and increasing your reach is our #1 priority. With keeping you in the loop, you are very much in control (with very little effort on your part!)

70% of people are more likely to buy from brands that they currently follow on Social Media

The results are in: it takes over 7 touches before someone to trust your authority enough to be able to buy from you. Effectively managing your Social Media gives you the opportunity to reach people more than 7 times at a quicker rate!

2.8 Billion People Use The Internet

The world is changing as we know it. With everyone on the internet, it’s important to be able to connect with your audience at all angles.

74% of people on the internet use Social Media

It’s important to create an image that people will remember and recognize

With over thousands of businesses in the same niche as you. What sets you apart from your competitors? It’s the branding. It’s important to create an image that people will remember and recognize no matter where they are.

Think about Chik-fil-a. What do you remember about their brand? Their red logo, the cows, the eat more chicken slogan, and they’re Christian values because they are closed on Sundays. 

Social Media is the CHEAPEST form of advertising today.

If that answer alone isn’t enough to convince you; here are a few more reasons why you should choose Social Media Advertising:

The Social Solution

You need a social presence that represents your brand, attracts new customers, and also cultivates the relationship with your current customers. 

Our custom social media management strategy allows us to create custom graphics and send out a message that speaks to your audience while still representing the values of your brand.

There are so many platforms to choose from, and the social media experts at Twinning Pros knows exactly which ones are right for you. That’s why we offer a unique and custom designed Social Media Management Plan that are completely tailored to your business and your brand.

  • Custom Social Graphic Designs to Match Your Brand
  • Social Marketing Strategy Tailored to Your Business
  • Social Profile Analytics Reporting

A lot of people tend to get lost when they think about social media, especially social media for your business. Social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, and now add in Twitch, and the social world is your oyster. 

You need someone on your side that knows the ins and outs of all of the different platforms and know-how to utilize them for your business. 

Not all social media platforms are created equally and each platform needs a different social media strategy. The algorithms are changing all the time and you need to know how to keep up. 

When you have a social presence, it not only allows you to connect with your customers: your current and future customers also feel like they connect better with you and your brand when you send out a consistent message. 

Our Approach

100% Organic Reach. Our policy when it comes to Social Media Management is “Authentic Engagement” We don’t use bots, and we don’t pay for likes or followers. We know where your target audience is and we personally go find them, engage with them, and turn those followers into returning customers. 

We know how to build engaged audiences for all of the different Social Platforms. With billions of users a day, your target audience is out there, ready to become customers and buy your products or services. The question is: are you ready? 

Forge Your Path

If you’re ready to bring your business to the next level and start getting more traffic to your website, getting leads and more sales, schedule a call today to speak with us. We are digital marketing experts that will guide you in the right direction to win online against your competitors.


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